Teeth Extractions in South Vancouver

Extracting teeth is never the first treatment option. We’ll always try other solutions when possible to restore or repair your teeth. However, there are some circumstances where teeth extractions are the best choice for your oral health. In these circumstances, our dentists will discuss the treatment plan with you, so you know exactly what to expect. 

When Do Teeth Need Extraction?

There are various circumstances when a tooth may need extraction. Some examples of teeth that may need removal include a partially dislodged tooth that cannot be repaired, the emergence of wisdom teeth at problematic angles, severe root infections or abscess teeth, or to relieve an over-crowded section of your mouth.

What to Expect From Teeth Extraction

Teeth extraction is a routine procedure that is generally performed in our offices. Local anesthesia is used to achieve deep numbness that ensures you won’t feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Then the tooth is removed following several steps. For complex cases, you may be referred to an oral surgeon.

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