Inlays and Onlays in South Vancouver
Inlays and onlays are restoration options that can fill in larger cavities in the tops of teeth, particularly molars. This treatment is beneficial when a filling cannot fix the problem, and a crown is not desired. The dental piece will be custom-made for your mouth and your teeth for a seamless bite.
What Is the Difference Between Inlays and Onlays?
Inlays and onlays are used to repair different parts of molars and premolars. The inlay fits in the middle of the tooth, filling in large holes in the middle of the tooth. At the same time, onlays cover both holes in the middle of the tooth as well as overlap the cuspids at the end of the tooth. Once the restoration is created for you, it is cemented into place.
Are Inlays and Onlays Better than Fillings?
Fillings are suited for small cavities in your teeth. When a molar or premolar has a large gap that needs fillings, regular dental fillings are not adequate. Our dentists will recommend inlays or onlays, depending on the size of the whole, as a more affordable solution to a dental crown. Using inlays and onlays also helps maintain more of the healthy natural tooth than a dental crown.